SPID - Public Digital Identity System

SPIDPublic Digital Identity System (SPID) is an authentication method that allows citizens and businesses to access the online services of public bodies (Chamber of Commerce, Inland Revenue Agency, National Pension fund, National Workplace Insurance, Municipality, Region) and that of participating private individuals using a single digital identity.

Introduced to simplify relations with public bodies, SPID makes it possible, among other things, to securely download documents of a personal, social security, tax, health, etc. nature from the portals of public bodies.

At the Maremma and Tyrrhenian Chamber of Commerce, it is possible to create a second-level SPID account (username, password and OTP code) with the free assistance of expert staff.

What is needed for activation

Activation requires:

  • original and valid identity document;
  • original and valid health card with a PIN (as an alternative to the health card PIN, you can use the National Services Card accompanied by a PIN);
  • personal mobile phone number;
  • personal email address;
  • smartphone (on which you can view SMS, email and download a free application).

Request an appointment to activate SPID

Book an appointment to come to the office in person by emailing firma.digitale@lg.camcom.it. Use the email title Subject: SPID Appointment Request, specify the location (LIVORNO or GROSSETO), indicate your name, surname and telephone number, and you will be recontacted by an operator.

For further information on how SPID works, go to: www.spid.gov.it

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E-mail: firma.digitale@lg.camcom.it 
Telephone: 0586 231268 Andrea Torres Montana

Last modified
Fri 20 Sep, 2024